3 Savvy Ways to Spend Your Leftover Website Budget

by | Marketing Strategy, Web Development

money in someone's wallet

Have you ever set aside money for a task or project and completed it for less than originally anticipated? How did it make you feel? What did you do with that leftover money? 
Rather than feeling satisfied with the site you now have, learn a few quick tricks and ideas on where that money can go to help turn your website from great to exceptional
creating a website
As a marketing professional, focus on increasing website traffic and potential leads — a foolproof strategy for success. Here are a few savvy options your firm should explore to ensure your website stands above the rest.

1. Incorporate Explainer Videos

According to VideoBrewery, 85% of people are more likely to buy a product or service once they view an explainer video. This is no coincidence.
Here’s an example of a simple, clean explainer video that effectively highlights a businesses service offerings (Spoiler – It’s ours!): 

Research shows that viewers are more likely to stay engaged with a page that includes videos rather than paragraphs of text. Two major benefits to explainer videos include offering better clarification of your product/service and increased conversion rates.
The key is ensuring the videos are quick and concise. 
A study from AdAge claims that marketers lose 33% of all viewers in the first 30 seconds of a video. What does this mean? People are busy. Think about all the times you scroll through your newsfeed on social media and see a video. You’ll watch the first few seconds and if you’re not intrigued, you scroll right past. Right? 
Grabbing the viewers’ attention in the first 3-5 seconds is vital because it addresses the first decision the viewer makes: to stay or go. If it isn’t captivating from the start, you’ve already lost.

2. Advertise

examples of advertising on mobile
Source: Banners Nack
Advertising is imperative if you want people to know who you are. The most commonly used platform is GoogleAds. According to WordStream and their Pay-Per-Click (PPC) statistics, firms make an average of $2 for every $1 spent on GoogleAds. Talk about good ROI! 
Before running your ads, it’s imperative to develop a well-thought-out strategy. Marketri found that 32% of companies wing their marketing efforts and have no strategic plan. Start with a goal, define your audience, and determine the services offered before introducing any advertising. 
Incorporating these three components will make your site more attractive, which gives your business a competitive edge.

3. Invest in Blog Writing

webpage of blog writing
Investing in blog writing is a great way to not only boost search engine optimization but develop stronger relationships with current and potential clients. Just like subscribing to your favorite magazine or newsletter, blogs help keep your audience in the loop about industry news/trends and help position your company as an expert in the field.
An Inbound Marketing Report from HubSpot found that 57% of companies who publish blogs consistently have gained at least one customer as a result of their efforts.  
Another benefit includes the option for readers to share this content on their own social media platforms for their peers to see. This can open up endless opportunities and positive exposure for your brand, and help work towards increasing visitors to your website.


There is no universal “right answer” on what to do with your leftover website budget. However, incorporating explainer videos, advertising, and blogging are a few tactics that have been proven to help optimize your new website and grow your business. Investing in these components is a great way to ensure your website is up to par, ultimately getting you one step closer to that next big deal.
To learn more about how to improve your website, check out our Launchpad Site below or get in touch! 
creating a website

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