Does this sound familiar? You strike up a great rapport with a prospect. You have qualified them to the point to know what their pain points are and how your solutions can help them. Then, as soon as you follow up again, nothing. No response. Your warm sales lead has gone cold.
We’ve all been there. But what do you do when this happens to you? Do you keep pestering them until you’ve ruined the relationship you worked so hard to create? Or do you employ sales strategies that nurture and reengage your cold sales leads?
If you aren’t doing so already, here are some tips you can use to reengage warm sales leads that have gone cold.
Leverage outreach with content marketing
Content created by marketing for sales is priceless. It could mean the difference between winning a big deal and losing one. Insights generated from both sales and marketing help guide the content creation process. A cold lead can be nurtured through content that is helpful and relevant to them based on what the sales rep qualified as their pain points. For example, if a prospect previously explained that getting in front of their customers was their biggest challenge, the sales rep could offer an eBook with tips about getting in front of the right prospects at the right time. The cold sales lead would appreciate the useful content and (hopefully) get back in touch with the rep.
Track interactions in your CRM
If you establish rapport with a prospect, but you DON’T track those conversations and milestones in your CRM and that lead goes cold, how do you know you will remember everything the two of you discussed? Maybe it was a deal that was being worked over several months. That is a lot of back and forth between you and your prospect. Or a sales rep could leave, and with him all that important information about their prospects. The only way to ensure you have accurate information is to require every sales rep to use their CRM.
Don’t underestimate marketing automation
Just as important as your CRM is your marketing automation software. It’s not enough to simply track sales intelligence. You can’t provide relevant content if you don’t know how it’s performing and what channels your prospects are discovering it from—both things that marketing automation allows you to do. Both sales and marketing gain insights from measuring marketing KPIs and it enables both sides to work more closely together. It is also key to nurturing leads that have gone cold.
Marketing automation acts like a spy—tracking and monitoring prospect’s actions. For example, if a lead had previously downloaded three eBooks on sales prospecting topics, that would be a good indication of something they are interested in. This can be seen in your marketing automation.
The bottom line: reengaging warm sales leads that have gone cold is tough. But it can be accomplished through smarketing. Sales and Marketing work together to reengage leads and close more deals.
Learn how a BDR can enable Sales and Marketing to work together and close more deals!