A weak marketing strategy is a cash drain on business. You waste money on campaigns that aren’t working, and you never achieve the return on investment that you want. With the right approach, you and your company can achieve better results with the money that you are spending, and increase your total sales conversions.
- Call To Action: Marketing falls apart when you are unable to get a potential customer to take the action that you want. The easiest way to guide customer behavior is through a call to action at the close of your marketing materials. Online this is as simple as adding a link to your contact page.
- Incentivize Action: Incentivizing action is an incredible motivator for the customer. Offer them a discount using a promo code found on your marketing materials, and see conversion rates rise. The codes also give you a way to track which of your campaigns are working.
- Build Trust: When you deal with personal medical or financial data your customers expect that you will do whatever you can to keep it secure. Putting the decal of a well known digital security firm, like Symantec, will make customers feel that you are safe to do business with.
- Create A Sales Pipeline: Your employees need to know how to move customers from initial interest through to closing the sale. While it is easy to assume that this is an innate skill to your sales team, that assumption is a costly mistake. Your company needs to have a clearly defined path, or pipeline, that goes through the sales process in clear steps.
- Customer Relationship Management: Finally, sales conversions often come down to the speed at which you can respond to a customer’s inquiry. Powerful software tools, known as CRM portals, integrate all of the departments in your company and share data between employees. With the right CRM you will be able to instantly generate sales leads from the contact information that potential customers enter on your call to action. This helps to prevent customers from falling through the cracks, wasting less of the money that you spent to attract the customer to your company.
Making your marketing more effective, and moving sales leads through your pipeline faster, increases your rate of sales conversions and grows your profits. You don’t have to spend a lot more money to build your business, you just need to spend money better.