If you’ve ever struggled to connect with a prospect, you’re not alone. Every salesperson has made mistakes on the phone and probably lost a potential client or two by doing something stupid.
The SmarkLabs team had a little bit of fun with some nightmare scenarios. Check out the video to see if any of these phone flubs are familiar, or just to have a laugh on us.
In this case, the maxim “Do as I say, not as I do” is entirely accurate. If you’re in need of some more practical advice, see what we have to say on inbound selling, how to engage with leads and sales prospecting.
Cold calling is difficult and inefficient, but there’s a better way to sell than by always going in cold. Embrace the fundamentals of smarketing – it’ll help you speak to more targeted prospects and fewer strangers.
What happened during your worst cold call? Let us know on Twitter with the hashtag #ColdCallingSucks