Why Risk-Averse Buyers Don’t Trust Your Sales Reps (And How To Overcome It)

by | Sales Enablement

It’s no secret that the selling landscape today is made up of more risk-averse buyers. Often, these buyers are turning to the Internet to find the answers to their problems.
What does this mean for your sales reps? Basically, your buyers don’t trust them. Here’s what to do about it.

We know that more buyers turn to the Internet today to research solutions to their problems. There is a wealth of content available out there for them to find information on everything from product specs, to customer reviews, to competitive pricing models. Sales teams today have their work cut out for them. They must find new ways to attract their prospects and engage them into a sales conversation.
The easiest way to win back your buyer’s trust is to become a trusted advisor. However, it’s a tough line to balance between trusted advisor and aggressive sales rep. You have to reposition yourself and your Sales team as the experts, the ones with the answers and the ones to turn to for answers. Here are a few ways to do this:
1) Arm your reps with sales collateral.
Every team should have an arsenal of sales collateral at the ready. Sales collateral should follow some basic rules. It should always be informative, educational, and provide value to your prospects. Why did your prospects come to you? Or if they didn’t come to you, and you sought them out, how can you prove that you are worthy of their time? Collateral that possesses these qualities can be created with the help from Marketing. Yes, Sales and Marketing need to come together here to create the most valuable content possible.
2) Prove your worth.
Content, or sales collateral, that provides real value is one way of doing this. Another way is to leverage the information that buyers have already discovered on their own. Your buyers have begun their research already, they have already developed initial assumptions about whether they need your product or service. It is your job to take these assumptions and turn them in your favor. For example, if price is a key determining factor in making a purchasing decision and you can uncover this key piece of information upfront, you will be more prepared to tackle this challenge with the right resources.
3) Be proactive.
Anticipate your buyer’s challenges, assumptions, and next steps. Be ready for content that will engage buyers at every stage of the buyer’s journey: Awareness, Consideration, and Decision. With help from Marketing, you will have the insights into your buyer’s behaviors and be able to determine what motivates them.
For instance, if a prospect has visited your web page multiple times, downloaded an eBook, and even read some of your blogs, it’s safe to assume they are engaged and ready for at least an introductory email with more valuable content that aligns with what they have already been viewing. These key insights can only be gained from Marketing and Sales automation software. So consider leveraging these technologies to better position your entire team.
According to CEB, most buyers are risk-averse today, with some more than halfway through the buyer’s journey by the time they even reach out to a sales rep. This eye-opening statistic has caused Sales (and Marketing) teams to rethink the way they communicate and sell to potential buyers. Follow these tips and reposition your superstar Sales team as the trusted advisors they are!
Learn more about how Sales and Marketing work together to win your buyer’s trust. Download our Smarketing eBook below!

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