Why Your Content Marketing Strategy Isn’t Generating Leads

by | Marketing Strategy

When it comes to your online marketing strategy, your company’s content is king. In order to make the most of it and get the highest possible return on investment (ROI), it’s not enough to simply publish a few blog articles here and there. You have to get your content out there and make sure it’s doing its job in order to generate those qualified leads you want.

The content you produce has the potential to bring in quality leads if you do it correctly. However, many companies see that their content marketing strategies fall short for a number of reasons. But why do companies see this shortfall?  Why aren’t you seeing the lead generation you had hoped for?

Below you will find the most common reasons why content marketing strategies fall short, as well as some tips for avoiding them and optimizing your content for a higher ROI.

People just can’t find your content

Are you targeting the right audience?  Speaking the language that your prospects use makes your content more relatable to them.  One of the ways to help your target audience find your content is to conduct keyword research around the topics that matter most to them. For example, if you are speaking to the financial department of a hospital, your keywords would include search terms that a CFO would be likely to search for, like:

  • hospital revenue cycle management
  • hospital financial management tips
  • hospital patient billing and collections
You rely solely on your blog content to generate leads

Your company’s marketing success does not hinge on your blog alone. Blogs are important, but without the offers that go along with them they do not provide enough content for continued success.  Offering a free download or service in addition to your blog engages your prospects and provides quality content that encourages return visits.

Adding some variety to your content can bring in new audiences as well. Videos, infographics, and slide decks are examples of different types of formats you can use to attract leads to your content. Videos are especially effective. Reworking your content to incorporate some different elements is a great way to freshen up what has become a stale blog.

You forget about the Call-to-Action

So I read your blog and everything sounds great, but what do I do now?  Your ‘Call-to-Action’ (CTA) provides your visitors a next step.  A CTA moves prospects further down the sales funnel and provides them additional resources to help answer their questions. This is the reason that your audience has landed on your blog in the first place: to find answers to some of their challenges.

You’re not sharing your content

Don’t forget about social sharing either.  If you can impress someone with what you are saying, maybe they know someone else that would feel the same.  Social media links are a great way to expose your content to more views, and in turn, higher ROI.

Knowing what content provides the highest  ROI is not the easiest thing to do.  Stop wasting your time creating content for people and situations that in the end will do nothing to help generate leads or promote your company.

Getting your content in front of the right people should be the goal of your marketing efforts. Making the effort to include the above tips is a great place to start seeing increased ROI from your content. There is no quick and easy fix, but maximizing your ROI is a goal that can be achieved with a smarter and more calculated marketing strategy.


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