by SmarkLabs | Oct 17, 2014 | Marketing Strategy
In a world where we compete every day for the attention of our customers, standing out is no longer an option, it’s a necessity. What makes YOU different than the company in the next town over that is offering the same product or service? One reason: they could be capitalizing on the effectiveness of content marketing. The shift from outbound to inbound marketing means strategies that are rich with content that educates and offers a value to customers. And in the web of content marketing, video marketing services are the future.
by SmarkLabs | Oct 14, 2014 | Marketing Strategy
6 seconds. That’s the average attention span of a web user today. That means that you have less than 6 seconds to attract, engage, and (hopefully) convert visitors to your site to customers, or at the very least, followers. What?!
We feel your pain. Competing for web traffic might as well be an Olympic sport these days. Especially when you’re competing with cute puppy videos and a Korean pop star rapping about satirical references to South Korean culture that garnered over 2 billion views on YouTube. Again, what?!
by SmarkLabs | Oct 10, 2014 | Marketing Strategy
Are you struggling to determine qualified leads? It used to be that salespeople were the first ones to offer a solution to their prospect’s problems. But now, when people can quickly and easily get on Google and search for solutions themselves, the sales rep’s job is a little bit more difficult. By the time you first make contact with the prospect, they’re likely more than halfway through the decision-making process. Therefore, it is crucial to fully understand your prospects using inbound sales methods.
by SmarkLabs | Oct 9, 2014 | Marketing Strategy
Do you guys remember that ice bucket challenge that took the country by storm this summer? Whether you are a medical billing company, a patient advocate group, or a healthcare IT company, you can simply look at the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to see the benefits of implementing inbound marketing strategies. In about two months, the Challenge raised over $100 million—a stark contrast from last year at the same time when the ALS Association had raised only $2.8 million.
by SmarkLabs | Oct 8, 2014 | Marketing Strategy
In a time when customers can hop on the Internet at any time and find a hundred companies that perform similar services or sell similar products, it is critical to stand out from your competitors.
by SmarkLabs | Oct 7, 2014 | Marketing Strategy
“The times they are a changing…” We couldn’t agree more, Mr. Dylan. The time for a shift in how we view the sales process is upon us. Companies are at a crucial moment now where they must be aware of the shifting trends in how decisions are made and adapt to these changes. Here we will outline some of the major trends affecting the inbound sales process today, from technology to the buyer experience.