Is Video Marketing Really Worth It?

by | Content Marketing, Video

Woman filming video

If you don’t already know, video marketing is big. Like really big. 
Social Media Today found that videos have a 135% greater organic reach than photos. In fact, not only are consumers preferring videos, but marketers are starting to realize this trend as well. Optinmonster found that two-thirds of marketers already use some type of video in their marketing strategy, so you can’t afford to be left out. 
If you’re on the fence about video marketing you’ve come to the right place. Let’s take a look at the most common misconceptions about video marketing before going into why your strategy needs to include them today. 

Misconceptions With Video Marketing 

1. Video only works for building awareness.

First and foremost, yes, videos absolutely help build awareness and drive activity to the top of the funnel. You’ve probably seen various “how-to” and branding-forward videos from your favorite retailers. But videos also provide guidance to consumers in the consideration and decision stages as well. 
According to HubSpot, 90% of people find explainer videos helpful in the decision-making process.
So, if someone has an issue and is learning and defining their needs, you must be able to show them that you understand the challenges they’re facing. On top of that, you’ll want to exemplify that your company can help solve those pain points. This is where an explainer video can come in handy — educate them on your product/service and proactively answer questions or objections that they may have. Without them even realizing it, you’re already building trust.
But that’s not all!
This means videos can become a valuable leveraging tool in the decision stage. An article from Consumerist found that nearly 70% of consumers rely on reviews before making a purchase. So, using testimonials and video case studies will help validate your work and build credibility.

2. Total views are the best measure of success. 

False. Although the number of views on your video is a great sign that you’re reaching an audience, total views won’t tell you anything about the behavior the video caused. Instead, pay attention to things like the duration of the views, click-through rate, and the level of engagement it receives on social media. Focusing on these metrics will tell you how much your content is truly connecting with your audience. 

Why You Need Video Marketing Today 

Well, your customers want it! A recent study from HubSpot found 54% of people want to see more video content from marketers. That means it’s very likely your customers are asking for it right now. Don’t leave them hanging! If that’s not a convincing enough reason, let’s take a look at some other great benefits to video marketing.

1. Video shows great ROI

According to Wyzowl, 83% of businesses say videos provide positive returns on investment. Although video production isn’t the easiest or cheapest task to complete, the payoff is well worth it when done correctly. It is crucial your video presents clear and concise content easy for viewers to digest. The most important thing isn’t even the quality of the video – it’s the information within. Without valuable, relevant info, your video will fall flat regardless of how visually appealing it is.
Questions on how to make a great video? Curious about where to start? Reach out to us! We love helping our customers uncover the value of video.

2. Video builds trust

Trust. In other words, the foundation of all your customer conversions. As a business, you can never have enough trust and videos can help build this tremendously. Think of a time when you bought a product from a new company. Most people are understandably skeptical of buying something they’re unfamiliar with online. So, finding reassurance from your favorite YouTuber or influencer that the quality of the product is good can help push you to make that purchase. Why? Because you now trust them. 
Effective marketing videos help educate buyers and increase confidence in their decisions, which is why 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video (HubSpot).

3. Video appeals to mobile users

Since 2013, MultiChannel found mobile video views have grown more than 233%. Since people like to watch videos on the go, and the number of smartphone users continues to rise, your mobile video audience is growing larger and larger. To go further, a study from Google found viewers are 1.4x more likely to watch a video or ad on their mobile device instead of TV/PC. 
What does this all mean? 
The time is now, marketers. When you can successfully offer the right content to the right viewer while on-the-go, you’re leading your company down a road to success. 

4. Videos are perfect for demonstrations

Who wants to read pages of text? A study from PopVideo found that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it compared to reading it.
Think about it like this:
You know nothing about cars and are asked to change the oil. All you are given is a piece of paper with instructions on it. This job will take a long time and you probably won’t learn very much. 
Now, imagine being able to take out your phone and watch a YouTube video as you work. Not only will the job go quicker, but you’ll learn more. You will start remembering concepts visually while getting a better feel for the subject. 
That’s the power of video content. The ability to take concepts and understand them in a more natural, relatable way. 

5. Video improves email marketing

We all know how tough email marketing is. If you don’t, check out “Why No One Is Opening My Emails” to learn why. But it’s okay, because videos alone help increase email open rates! That’s right! 
According to Campaign Monitor, email campaigns that include videos see a 19% open rate increase. These emails also experience 65% increased click-through rates and 26% less unsubscribes. Oh yeah!
The point of all those statistics is that a good email marketing strategy will provide massive benefits and can help improve your bottom line. Don’t shy away from email marketing because of the difficulty it brings. Instead, embrace it using video!

6. Videos enhance landing pages

Your landing page is intended to lead customers to a specific product, service, or offer and encourage them to take action. B2B businesses especially use landing pages to generate leads and conversions. These pages are a great way to drive traffic, improve SEO, and build your brand. 
So, why have videos on them? 
Well, a study from Forbes found that including videos on your landing page increases conversion rates by nearly 80%. Enough said.

The Verdict

Advances in technology are making video marketing not only more popular but cheaper to implement too. Successfully capturing the attention of the viewer and sparking some type of action should be the main goal when developing video content. 
As a recap, video marketing can help…

  • Increase ROI
  • Build trust
  • Appeal to on-the-go users
  • Help with demonstrations
  • Improve email marketing 
  • Enhance landing pages

…making this strategy absolutely worth the investment! 
To learn more about video marketing and how your business can see these improvements, contact us today!
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